Today I finished a project for me and a new design for the coming season to add to my hand printed tea towels. I was a bit house-bound with sick kids this week and then there were two days of snow so I felt I needed to bring a little spring into the house.

I came across this fabulous
blog post for Spool Sewing and fell in love with the birds they created. I love the mobile and have plenty of driftwood branches but for now I think I will just keep them out to brighten up these early spring days.
I ended up finishing them a bit differently by closing their tails and leaving the rough edges. I also stitched back up the tail to "quilt" some tail feathers in.
After that very satisfying project, I got back to work and finished a new block for my tea towels.

I'll be adding other designs to the Lobster, Crab and new Anchor for my first show,
Craftopia, on April 10th in Rhode Island.